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Sponsor Spotlight - Wells Fargo

Tell us about your company/organization.

At Wells Fargo, we are committed to making brighter futures possible in the communities we serve. We pledge to make every community in which we live and do business better—through our products and service, our culture and business practices, and our many forms of philanthropy. In the Greater Sacramento area, we remain highly engaged in ongoing dialogue with community partners and other stakeholders, because we want to be part of the work they do to strengthen the region’s quality of life.

What is the reason(s) for sponsoring Hands4Hope?

We believe the best way to lend a helping hand to communities across our state and make a lasting impact on individual lives is by directing our gifts to nonprofit organizations that address specific community needs and issues. Wells Fargo and Hands4Hope have created an effective partnership between a corporation and a community organization, helping to build a safe and caring community for our children. Encouraging and supporting organizations that share our similar vision of coming through for our communities is a core value of Wells Fargo.

What has been your level of involvement?

Over the last decade Wells Fargo has supported Hands4Hope with grants and volunteerism. These contributions will help them offer a world of possibilities to youth in the community and work towards the advancement of children. Wells Fargo and Hands4Hope recognize that youth in our community benefit when we all work together. Supporting organizations with limited resources is extremely important because it is directly linked to the future success of our youth.

Is there anything else that you would like to add?

Our team members also understand that small efforts make a huge difference. They are active and engaged volunteers, and strive to make the neighborhoods where they live and work better by applying their time, talents and resources.

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