The 10th Annual Hands4Hope Toiletries Drive Challenge A HUGE Success!
During the month of February, Hands4Hope partnered with William Brookes, Green Valley, Oak Meadow, and Silva Valley Elementary Schools to collect toiletries for families in need, the homeless, veterans, and deployed soldiers from our community. The schools competed against each other for the traveling trophy given to the school that collects the most amount of toiletries in a 2 week period. Oak Meadow was the big winner for 2020! Congratulations to Oak Meadow Elementary School and a sincere thank you to Mrs. Spencer-Long and her Kindness Crew for all their work in collecting over 7,250 items of Toiletries! In addition, some schools had their own class competition to collect toiletries. Datwyler Orthodontics sponsored a pizza or ice cream party for the winning classes. Congratulations to Mrs. Quintrall’s 3rd grade class, Mrs. Nelson’s 1st grade class, and Mrs. Parsley’s 5th grade class! And thank you to Datwyler Orthodontics!!
Hands4Hope also had a Toiletries Scavenger Hunt and collected 689 items. There were 14 youth volunteers and 2 adult volunteers who pulled wagons from house to house asking for donations of toiletries. Many of the youth volunteers had an opportunity to practice their communication skills while speaking to the residents/neighbors about the needs in our community and how hands4Hope is taking ACTION to help those in need.
These events, along with help from Blanche Sprentz Elementary in Folsom and numerous community members who dropped off toiletries at the Hands4Hope office we collected 13,238 toiletries to distribute to those in need. This was the most successful toiletries drive and it was a wonderful way to celebrate 10 years of Hands4Hope youths making a difference!