Hands4Hope has selected Mason and Brody Cooper as this month's Youth Spotlight! The Cooper boys have hit the ground running since they started volunteering in December. They regularly volunteer at the Mercy Senior Dinner in Folsom, as well as the Homeless Outreaches at Loaves and Fishes! Thank you boys for being so dedicated to giving back to your community!

What is your school and grade? Also, how long have you been involved with H4H?
We are in 6th grade at Valley View Charter Montessori. We have been involved with H4H since July of 2018.
Why did you join Hands4Hope?
When we joined, we were on summer vacation, and it was a great way to get out of the house, while being able to help people too.
How has Hands4Hope helped you in school, with your friends and family, and in life?
H4H hasn't really affected me at school, as we don't have a club at our school. Overall, it is a good experience and it makes me appreciate my friends and family. - Mason
What has your experience been like since joining?
Since joining, my experience has been very positive. I have a fun time talking to everybody at the dinners we go to (Mercy Dinners) and it feels really good to make sandwiches for people that need them (Homeless Outreach).- Brody
Is there anything else that you would like to add about your experiences with Hands4Hope?
I'd like to add that I feel good when helping people. Volunteering takes a lot of time. However, to me, that doesn't matter because helping people is what matters. I also want to say that volunteering can be very fun. The main event that I volunteer for is the Mercy Dinner. I love getting to know everybody at these dinners. - Brody