Hands4Hope recently celebrated their incredible youth volunteers at the 11th Annual Youth Recognition Event. During the event, themed Ohana Means Family, youth volunteers were celebrated and recognized for their commitment and dedication to serving others. This is the first time since 2019 that youth were recognized in person for their hard work.
Over the 2021-22 program year, Hands4Hope youth logged over 9,500 service hours; organized and participated in 227 projects and outreaches; served 7,000 meals; collected and distributed over 500 backpacks filled with school supplies to students in need; collected and distributed 10,700 pieces of warm clothing to struggling families and Caldor Fire victims; and raised over $42,000 to support the mission of local agencies, just to name a few things.
During this celebration, Hands4Hope said goodbye to a group of graduating seniors, many of whom started volunteering with Hands4Hope in elementary or middle school, and presented the prestigious President’s Volunteer Service Award to 38 individual youth. In addition, Hands4Hope presented two groups with the esteemed award: The Hands4Hope Youth Board was honored for their combined 2,721 service hours and the Marina Village Hands4Hope Club Leadership team was also recognized because they were the first Hands4Hope team to all individually earn a President’s Volunteer Service Award. Hands4Hope staff, adult volunteers, and board members honored the hard work and dedication of youth attendees with either a bronze, silver, gold or platinum level service award.
Additionally, the Hands4Hope Youth Board presented a check for $6,500, from their spring fundraiser Dine With Austin, to Walk With Austin Founder Holly Reininger to support their efforts to build an all-abilities playground at Bass Lake.
Even though these volunteers might not seek recognition for their service, their example delivers a powerful message that encourages others to take action. Hands4Hope was proud to recognize the tremendous contribution all of the youth made to both the organization and the community!
Hands4Hope would like to extend a thank you to Off The Vine On The Road and Kona Ice for helping provide the food and dessert, and adult volunteers Dolly Wager and Marin Cross for their work coordinating the event. Also, thank you to the Cameron Park Community Services District for the use of Cameron Park Lake.