Ava Gallardo- President
What is your school and grade? Also, how long have you been involved with H4H?
I go to Rolling Hill Middle School and I have been involved with Hands4Hope for 3 years.
Why did you join Hands4Hope?
I joined H4H because I wanted to help people in this community and learn more about the organizations in the area.
How has Hands4Hope helped you in school, with your friends and family, and in life?
H4H has helped me through school, family and friends because it gives me an understanding of the world and helps me learn about the people in my community.
What has your experience been like since joining?
Super fun! I’ve loved learning how to plan an event and learn how to lead.
Is there anything else that you would like to add about your experiences with Hands4Hope?
I would like to add that this is an amazing organization with amazing people and I love being a part of it.
Vikram Singh- Vice President
What is your school and grade? Also, how long have you been involved with H4H?
I am from Rolling Hills Middle School and have been in H4H for two years.
Why did you join Hands4Hope?
I joined H4H so I could raise funds for people in need.
How has Hands4Hope helped you in school, with your friends and family, and in life?
Hands4Hope has made me want to help people more.
What has your experience been like since joining?
My experience has been good, fun, and enjoyable.
Huda Bashir- Secretary
What is your school and grade? Also, how long have you been involved with H4H?
I am in 8th grade at Rolling Hills Middle School, and have been involved with Hands4Hope for 2 years.
Why did you join Hands4Hope?
I joined H4H because it sounded interesting, and I wanted to join a club that was organized and had a purpose.
How has Hands4Hope helped you in school, with your friends and family, and in life?
H4H has helped me get more involved with my family and friends, but most importantly life. It made me closer to my community, and helped me help multiple organizations.
What has your experience been like since joining?
My experience with H4H has been very eye opening. I have figured about so many causes as well as helped a few. I also have learned how to lead a club, and work well with others.
Is there anything else that you would like to add about your experiences with Hands4Hope?
Overall, my experience with H4H has been amazing, and I hope I can continue helping my community with Hands4Hope.
Tristan Kono- Treasurer
What is your school and grade? Also, how long have you been involved with H4H?
Rolling Hills Middle School 7th grade. I have been volunteering for Hands4Hope for 7 years now.
Why did you join Hands4Hope?
My parents and brothers were all volunteering so I wanted to help out too.
How has Hands4Hope helped you in school, with your friends and family, and in life?
Hands4Hope taught me that not everything is about me and that there is always someone less fortunate than me. Like when I'm sad or mad, I think about what other people like the homeless people or people that are sick are going through, and it helps me feel grateful and lucky for what I have. The Hands4Hope Club has taught me leadership skills like leading group activities and talking in front of crowds. I really like my leadership group. I have some friends in the club which makes it more fun and I get to meet new people.
What has your experience been like since joining?
I have helped the homeless, donated to the hospitals and families in need, and after I help them, I always feel good about myself. My favorite outreach is the homeless outreach. We make lunches for homeless people and drive out to Sacramento and serve them. I like it because I feel more connected with the people around me and I like talking with them. They always say thank you and God bless you and it shows how thankful they are. Sometimes people tell me jokes and its really funny. I also like volunteering at the blanket making. I work with my friends to make blankets for the Winter Boutique . . . and we get pizza and stuff.
Is there anything else that you would like to add about your experiences with Hands4Hope?
Right now, we are raising money for Shriner's children's hospital which is a charity hospital. I work with my friends designing posters, planning fundraisers, and playing group games. I hope we can raise as much money as possible. I hope that other people will become more aware of people less fortunate than us so that there are fewer people who need our help.
Cole Powers- Historian
What is your school and grade? Also, how long have you been involved with H4H?
I go to Rolling Hills Middle School and I've been with H4H since the beginning of 7th grade.
Why did you join Hands4Hope?
I originally joined to get volunteer hours but quickly learned it’s such a fun group. I always have a great time during our meetings.
How has Hands4Hope helped you in school, with your friends and family, and in life?
H4H has helped me to be confident in myself and to know that I can actually help my community.
What has your experience been like since joining?
My experience has been great so far. I've learned there is no shortage of organizations we can help out with.
Is there anything else that you would like to add about your experiences with Hands4Hope?
I look forward to joining the H4H Club next year at Oak Ridge.