McKenna Berry
1. What is your school and grade? Also, how long have you been involved with Hands4Hope?
I go to Ponderosa High School and I will be a junior this coming fall. This year will be the sixth year that I’ve been a part of the Hands4Hope family.
2. Why did you join Hands4Hope & how did you hear about it?
I joined Hands4Hope because I wanted to do something helpful with my time and I heard about it in school. I thought it was the perfect opportunity to help the community and have fun!
3. How has Hands4Hope helped you in school, with your friends and family, and in life?
Hands4Hope has helped me in all aspects of my life by helping me become a better leader, by giving me the opportunity to talk to more people and go out of my comfort zone, and by allowing me to give back to my community through fundraisers and outreaches.
4. What has your experience been like since joining?
Since joining, I have felt included by everyone and I have felt heard. Being a part of Hands4Hope has exceeded my expectations of a club!
5. Is there anything else that you would like to add about your experiences with Hands4Hope?
One of my most recent projects, the Online fundraiser for the Upper Room, has been by far the best outreach I’ve participated in. I had the ability to collaborate with a few of my fellow volunteers to create a virtual escape room. I spent a large portion of my time over a couple of weeks to make this possible and I couldn’t have been happier with the results. Although we were unable to do an in person fundraiser, this was definitely a wonderful way to continue to help our community during a global pandemic.
Madisen Berry
1. What is your school and grade? Also, how long have you been involved with Hands4Hope?
I go to Ponderosa High School and I will be a junior. I have been involved in Hands4Hope for 6 years.
2. Why did you join Hands4Hope & how did you hear about it?
I joined Hands4Hope because I wanted to join a club and I wanted to be able to help my community. I heard about it through the club leaders at my middle school.
3. How has Hands4Hope helped you in school, with your friends and family, and in life?
Hands4Hope has helped me in school by giving me more leadership skills and more experience in a leadership position. It has helped me with my peers by introducing me to new people and opening my view of people. It has helped me in life by giving me a new way to look at people by using empathy.
4. What has your experience been like since joining?
Since joining, I have learned so much about my community and my school. I love Hands4Hope because it gives me a way to help people in need while still gaining an awesome experience.
5. Is there anything else that you would like to add about your experiences with Hands4Hope?
My favorite project so far is the Fall Festival. I have done this for two years and I absolutely love it. It is so fun to plan and work at because you get to work with kids and play games. It is so great to be able to provide a fun experience for people while still getting the job done. Hands4Hope has changed my life, and I am forever grateful for that.

