Adult Advisor
In an effort to improve our programs, not burn out our current advisors, and be able to expand our programming, we are always looking for more advisors: parents, college students, retirees, and those who just enjoy children and are looking for a unique mentoring opportunity.
Below is a list of our most common opportunities for our outreach program. If any of these interest you or if you are interested in participating in a youth committee, school club or Hands4Hope event, please email us at info@hands4hopeyouth.org.

GVCC Saturday Cafe
Green Valley Community Church is one of the largest El Dorado County food distribution points. The church serves between 150-300 people every Saturday, preparing and serving them a warm meal while they wait to go through the grocery food line. There is also a clothes closet where people can shop for free. Hands4Hope volunteers help distribute food, run carts, bag clothes, serve the meal, clear tables, etc. All age youth are welcome to participate in this outreach. Elementary age youth must have a parent or adult volunteering with them.
The Adult Lead watches over our youth volunteers to make sure they are safe and helpful.
When: 2nd and 4th Saturdays, 8am - 11am
Level of commitment: At least once every other month for three to six months

GVCC Kid's oasis
The Kid’s Oasis is cooperative effort between GVCC and Hands4Hope. It is a safe place for the children of the Saturday Café clients to go while their parents wait & go through the grocery line (which can sometimes take 2 hours) and shop for clothes. H4H youth volunteers play with the kids, read, do crafts, etc. Middle and high school youth are welcome to participate in this outreach. Elementary age youth must have a parent or adult volunteering with them as the adult lead.
The Adult Lead volunteer sets up the room and oversees our youth volunteers to make sure they are safe and helpful.
When: 2nd and 4th Saturdays, 8am - 11am
Level of commitment: At least once every other month for three to six months

Hope House Mentoring
Hope House is a transitional home for moms & children; a safe place for them to live while the moms get their lives on track. There are usually 2 to 3 families living there at a time with children ages around 2 to 10. On Monday and Thursday evenings the moms go to classes while Hands4Hope volunteers, spend time with the kids, playing, reading and mentoring - just being good positive examples for them.
High school age youth are welcome to participate in this outreach. Middle school age youth must have a parent or adult volunteering with them as the adult lead.
The Adult Lead volunteer assists & guides youth volunteers in mentoring and helps keep order. Carpooling is required for this outreach.
When: Monday or Thursday evenings. Meet in EDH at 5:00 pm. Return at 7:00 pm.
Level of commitment: At least once every other month for three to six months

Sacramento Homeless Outreach
Hands4Hope volunteers meet at the H4H Youth Center to prepare 400 sack lunches and then carpool to downtown Sacramento. Upon arrival, our youth and adult volunteers distribute the lunches along with items collected during our school drives, such as toiletries, warm clothes, and blankets. All age youth are welcome to participate in this outreach. Elementary age youth must have a parent or adult volunteering with them.
The Adult Lead volunteer assists & guides youth volunteers in mentoring and helps keep order. Carpooling is required for this outreach.
When: Varies. Usually on a school holiday, 9:30 am to 1:45 pm
Level of commitment: At least once every other month for three to six months