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Hands4hope alumni
Current Participants
Adult leads

Ameshah Prabaharan
I am deeply grateful for the opportunities Hands4Hope has provided me throughout the years. At the start of high school, I was the person who was afraid to speak up in class. I hesitated to speak up and share my opinion, even among a group of friends...Throughout the years, the opportunities I have received from Hands4Hope has helped me realize that my potential is far greater than I had originally perceived it to be.

Kirsti buckendorf
I liked the flexibility and actually seeing the people I helped. I appreciate this even more now after being involved in other non-profit organizations. My comfort zone was absolutely broadened, and I became more comfortable as I built relationships with the individuals we were serving, as well as my fellow volunteers. Coming from a big high school, Hands4Hope allowed me to make friends with people who shared my goals and values.

Marco Sanchez
Hands4Hope has a gift for recognizing the leadership potential in youth who are often overlooked. Many of these youth are shy, quiet, or insecure, or may not have the same financial or educational advantages as others. They do, however, have something special that shines through, like passion and drive..."you and the people in Hands4Hope have helped fuel me and made me who I am…sending me to leadership camp made me a strong leader".

I joined H4H because I wanted to positively impact my community, and I knew that H4H had many experiences to learn how to be a leader and how to push yourself to achieve personal growth. Through H4H I have grown immensely. I joined H4H because I wanted to positively impact my community, and I knew that H4H had many experiences to learn how to be a leader and how to push yourself to achieve personal growth.

Ameshah Prabaharan
I am deeply grateful for the opportunities Hands4Hope has provided me throughout the years. At the start of high school, I was the person who was afraid to speak up in class. I hesitated to speak up and share my opinion, even among a group of friends...Throughout the years, the opportunities I have received from Hands4Hope has helped me realize that my potential is far greater than I had originally perceived it to be.

Kirsti buckendorf
I liked the flexibility and actually seeing the people I helped. I appreciate this even more now after being involved in other non-profit organizations. My comfort zone was absolutely broadened, and I became more comfortable as I built relationships with the individuals we were serving, as well as my fellow volunteers. Coming from a big high school, Hands4Hope allowed me to make friends with people who shared my goals and values.

Marco Sanchez
Hands4Hope has a gift for recognizing the leadership potential in youth who are often overlooked. Many of these youth are shy, quiet, or insecure, or may not have the same financial or educational advantages as others. They do, however, have something special that shines through, like passion and drive..."you and the people in Hands4Hope have helped fuel me and made me who I am…sending me to leadership camp made me a strong leader".
Joseph Goulart

I joined H4H because I wanted to positively impact my community, and I knew that H4H had many experiences to learn how to be a leader and how to push yourself to achieve personal growth. Through H4H I have grown immensely. I joined H4H because I wanted to positively impact my community, and I knew that H4H had many experiences to learn how to be a leader and how to push yourself to achieve personal growth.
I have learned so much about not only myself, but problems in our community as well.. problems that we are finding solutions for! Hands4Hope has brought such positive energy to my life; it has made it easier to focus on school and try my best, because I know we often take for granted the education we get.
Olivia Williams

Chloe Simon
I was painfully shy and quiet as a child until most of middle school. It was so bad that I was even diagnosed with borderline autism when I was very young. This all started to change when I first took part in Hands4Hope events. I met many people that encouraged me to become more vocal and to take a larger role within Hands4Hope. While I still may have some of my old social tendencies, I can comfortably say that I have grown so much from being a part of Hands4Hope.

Taylor smith
Being in Hands4Hope has not only helped me to improve other people’s lives, it has also improved my own. When I first joined the club, I was very shy and quiet and scared of people I didn’t know. Seven years later, my social skills have increased at least five hundred percent. I am now able to be outgoing and talk to people–whether they are teachers, parents, other adults, or even people my own age–without any trouble, which is astonishing considering where I started.

Madeleine Vadenais
I'm continuously impressed with the organization's mission and values. They're not just words, they are put into practice and modeled by the Executive Director. These youth are continually learning through their experiences both good and bad. My job is to advise them and keep them safe. Sometimes that means I allow them to make mistakes, and hopefully they learn from them. The youth don't always do what I would do as an adult but often times I'm surprised at the positive outcomes from a different approach.

Cathy Simko
My impression and experience with Hands4Hope is based on the influence and impact it’s had on my daughter, Madeline, which is immeasurable. H4H gave Madeline the opportunity to develop into a leader through participation in activities that she was interested in. I love that there’s other adults out there besides her parents who believes she has talents and gifts to offer. Hands4Hope recognizes youth can do extraordinary things if given the chance and support to succeed.
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