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High School Club Update

The Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference High School Clubs are all working hard following our service-learning model virtually using the Zoom platform. All clubs are working through the stages of Exploration, Action and Leadership to investigate the needs in the local community then design, implement and evaluate their service-learning projects. There are some openings available for a few campuses - if you are interested in joining a Hands4Hope Club, you can check the availability and apply here.

Great news! If you want to follow along and see what service learning stage our high school clubs are in with their respective projects, you can check out each club's new webpage. Just click the hyperlinks below and learn more about the projects and how you can support them or get involved. Also, to arrange for an in-person drop-off or pick-up appointment, please email the main contact listed on each club's webpage.

  • El Dorado High School raised $60 selling High Hill pies and received a donation of $250 from Rainbow Orchards. They made 50 craft bags/cards for Green Valley Community Church and stuffed 800 envelopes for seniors through the El Dorado County Health & Human Services.

  • Ponderosa hosted a drive at school and in the community to make Care Bags for Environmental Alternatives Family Services, a nonprofit corporation that provides a variety of services to children and young adults in foster care. They collected over 200 blankets, school supplies and healthcare items.

  • Folsom hosted a fund and item drive to benefit Children’s Hope Foster Family Agency and collected $150 and over 400 items including blankets, toys, and school supplies.

  • Union Mine collected 192 detergent pods & 114 feminine hygiene products benefiting EDCOE’s program for youth and families experiencing homelessness. They are currently preparing to launch a Gift Card Fundraiser to benefit Lilliput Families.

  • Oak Ridge Even club has a goal of raising $1,500 to support El Dorado County Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA), specifically to help with the training costs of volunteers. Stay tuned for information on a dine-in night at a local restaurant, as well as an online raffle.

  • Oak Ridge Odd club has a goal to support Children’s Hope Foster Family Agency. More information coming soon on their drive, fundraiser and dine-in night.


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